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Supplier Code of Conduct - HomeToGo Group

1. Introduction

At HomeToGo Group, we are committed to the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. While we adhere to its values in our own operations, HomeToGo Group also expects its suppliers to conduct business in an honest and ethical manner, and to comply with all relevant laws and regulations. All businesses that are involved in the supply of services or goods to the HomeToGo Group are “Suppliers” for the purpose of this document.

2. Purpose

This Supplier Code of Conduct serves as a formal documentation of our commitment to human rights in our supply chains. It defines and specifies the basic business practices we expect of our Suppliers.  

3. Human rights in our supply chains

At HomeToGo Group, we not only abide by the law, we also practice a culture of integrity in line with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization conventions. In the same manner, we expect our suppliers to maintain a commitment to adhering to fair and legal human rights practices and labour standards and to comply with all relevant employment laws, including:

  • Prohibiting forced, involuntary or child labor
  • Fostering a workplace of equal opportunity that is free from discrimination, bullying, intimidation, abuse and harassment
  • Prohibiting human trafficking, debt bondage, deceptive recruiting, forced marriage, and similar modern slavery practices
  • Providing a healthy and safe work environment, free of disciplinary practices
  • Respecting the right to freedom of association as well as collective bargaining, and to join trade unions or similar legally permitted groups
  • Complying with all relevant requirements on minimum and living wages, overtime requirements and maximum working hours, and to pay wages that lead to acceptable living conditions
  • Respecting the right to a livable, healthy and sustainable environment free of pollution

4. Speaking up

To report suspected wrongdoing or actual or potential violations of this document, our suppliers and their employees have the option to use the HomeToGo Speak-Up systemalso on an anonymous basis if preferred. 

The HomeToGo Group has ensured that the HomeToGo Speak-Up system has been set up and is operated in a secure manner that protects the identities of the Reporting Person(s) and the Affected Person(s) named in the filed report. No unauthorized person is able to access the reports and related documentation. The HomeToGo Speak-Up system is available in all HomeToGo working languages (English, German, Lithuanian, Italian and Spanish) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year and can be accessed worldwide as follows:


Last update on Aug 1st, 2023 (Version 1.0)
